Notes from the Big June Planning Meeting


On June 20, 2024, the Buenaventura Mobile Home park clubhouse was filled with neighbors from the Eastside community who have an interest in improving the area where we live. Moderators hosted tables featuring different topics. These included discussions of a local senior center, housing, traffic, groceries, schools, parks and rec, and an open forum. Ventura City Manager Bill Ayub was there, listening, along with several other representatives from local government.

The pleasant buzz of around fifty people brainstorming is something wonderful to behold. We wondered what would bring more of you out to an event like this, and would love to hear from you. The meeting, sponsored by the East Ventura Community Council, presided over by our own Sara Ostrander, was the first of what we expect to be many.

We cannot change things in two hours or overnight, but the Westside Council made a plan and as a result, changes have been made to their community. That makes us optimistic that we can do the same.

This was the first in-person meeting of EVCC since Covid. The excitement and enthusiasm were encouraging and helped along by the delicious refreshments generously provided by Doris Holland.

It doesn’t cost anything to join or attend EVCC. We exist on donations from good folks like Grocery Outlet, who contribute to our treasury every month, and others. EVCC meets on the third Thursdays of the month at 7:00 p.m. To sign up for meeting notifications:

Respectfully submitted by Sheila Lowe
EVCC Recording Secretary