Minutes, February 16, 2023 General Meeting via Zoom

East Ventura Community Council
Minutes, February 16, 2023 General Meeting via Zoom

There were 3 Board Members in attendance, Norene Charnofsky, John Kunsmiller, Sara Ostrander

There were 27 attendees, including 2 guest presenters, 3 city government and 1 state government representatives

The meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm by presiding officer Sara Ostrander.

The police report was given by Commander Mike Brown of the Ventura City Police Department. There were 17

reported incidents in District 4 & 5 from January 17 to February 13. They included 4 thefts, 4 assaults, 4 residential

burglaries, 2 thefts from a vehicle, 1 vehicle theft, 1 robbery and 1 arson. He reported that the department has

improved signage for the Chumash Park bike path, cut back shrubs in areas to prevent homeless persons from

spending the night, and added additional patrols to the area.

The minutes of the January 19th meeting were approved.

The Treasurer’s report was given and accepted. The current balance is $813.13, and a $100.00 donation was

received, so the new balance will be $913.13. (Reminder: There is a $500.00 minimum balance requirement.)

There was an opportunity for nominations or volunteers for Chair, Vice-Chair, and Treasurer, but there were none

received. Therefore, no business was conducted.

Concern was expressed for the state of our community and there were volunteers to help spread the word about the

council’s purpose, and our need for volunteers.

Marina Porter presented a slide show about the traffic problem at Atlas School. No updates are planned for 2 years,

but the traffic remains a danger to students, parents, and the general public. The school area is busiest at 7:30 to

8:00 am, 12:30 to 12:45 pm, and 2:30 to 2:45 pm. The intersections include Jazmin and Darling, Jazmin and Napalito,

Jazmin and Henderson, and Saticoy and Napolito. The school population is increasing, so the problem will continue

to grow. Everyone needs to take care in these areas and advocate with the City Council. Deputy Mayor Jeanette

Sanchez-Palacios indicated that there is a “Safe Routes to Schools” component in the Ventura Active Transportation

Plan and there may be a funding opportunity.

Tom Mericle from TKM Engineering and Tim Gallagher presented the latest information from the Ventura Active

Transportation Plan. This is a city wide plan for bike and pedestrian movement within the city. This planning is

funded by Cal-Trans and is used in development of the General Plan, the Mobility Plan, and the Climate Action Plan.

The website at https://atplan.vcpublicworks.org/ has a full list of projects. Some of these projects are not yet

affordable, and the public is encouraged to review the draft and make comments at pop-up engagements this spring.

There was much discussion about specific issues including Darling Road, Telegraph, accommodation of disabilities,

Telephone and Ramelli, Main Street Moves, Bristol and others. Council member Bill McReynolds noted that the

Bristol project should be completed this year.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:52 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Sara Ostrander, Secretary