Minutes, April 20, 2023 General Meeting via Zoom

East Ventura Community Council
Minutes, April 20, 2023 General Meeting via Zoom

There were 3 Board members in attendance, Norene Charnofsky, John Kunmiller, Sara Ostrander

There were 40 attendees, including 3 city representatives, and 1 county representatives

The meeting was called to order at 7:03pm by presiding officer, Sara Ostrander.

The police report was given by Commander Brown of the Ventura City Police Department. There were 21 crimes in the last 28 days. 2 aggravated assaults, 2 motor vehicle thefts, and two catalytic converter thefts (these were local suspects). There was a question about a stabbing in another district. This was committed by a recently released prisoner and the people involved were not related. Commander Brown talked about the volunteers with the department, and recognized the Dispatcher of the Year, Christine Lindsay. April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month, and Commander Brown discussed the law and the dangers he has seen on patrol. Any questions can be sent to brown@venturapd.org.

The Minutes of the March meeting were approved

The Treasurer’s report was given and accepted. Our current balance is $1,768.00. We must keep a minimum balance of $500.00 in the account.

Announcements: Rising from the Ashes home tour on April 22. Music under the Stars tickets will be available May 5. April 29, Council members Jeanete Sanchez-Palacios and Bill McReynolds will be at Terry’s Berrys for a meet and greet from 11:30 to 2:00

Dean Katz was nominated as Vice-Chair to serve the remainder of the term. The election was unanimous.

The 2023 Budget was approved as presented.

County Supervisor Mat Lavere presented information on the county priorities. They include Climate Action and Sustainability, Equitable and Inclusive Economic Vitality, Mental Health and Wellness, Housing and Homelessness. He discussed the 2 year projects of repaving of the Rincon Parkway, and improving access at Mondos Beach. He is working with a group in Saticoy to form an advisory council and a teen center. A Farmer’s Market should be opening in August 23. He warned that the pop-up food vendors are being brought here by organized crime from Los Angeles and should be avoided. The county has a target of 1300 new housing units in 2023 with most of them as “affordable”. Improving the economic climate requires meeting the needs of existing businesses and recruiting new business. A question was asked about the Fairgrounds, and Mat stated that the County has no jurisdiction; the Fair Board is solely responsible.

The input received from members on the Economic Development survey was highlighted. The input was compiled and a document was sent to the Economic Development Department and the council members. Dean Katz and Sara Ostrander participated in an online discussion on April 17 and presented the main points of input. Thanks to all for participating.

There was a discussion about the needs of the East End including beter transportation with a transit center on Wells Road one suggestion. There is a need for a community gathering space. The new homes being built near Telegraph and Wells will be opening soon and the problems will continue to multiply. The General Plan Advisory Committee is still taking recommendations. It was suggested that Kimball Park might be able to have some room for a community center.

Kelly Brown from the 211 Call Center made a presentation about their services. They receive many calls a year for assistance with social services. They can assist with referrals, tax preparation, 211 transportation, etc. A great number of their callers are homeless or about to become homeless. Keeping families together is a problem because some shelters will not take boys over 13 years old. People living in RV’s have no specific places available. There is a great problem of homelessness among 18 to 29 years old, including many college students. This is from the local population, and there is no evidence of homeless people being shipped in from other areas.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:02 pm.